torsdag 16 oktober 2008

Let´s throw Jante in the BadBox!

Tonight I went to a seminar at Berghs School of Communication. We focused on presentations, voice control and expressions. Compare the impact of a person who takes charge on stage, with a person who is reserved and speaks with an anxious image! The message will reach the audience much more effectively in the former case.

In Sweden we must - unfortunately - relate to the Law of Jante, which keeps many persons from taking the space they need and want. Let´s throw Jante in the BadBox! There is room enough for everyone. The Americans are better at this than we are. We can learn from them.

The speaker at this seminar was Per Furumo, voice coach. Visit him at

Together with Per and two more consultants, I am creating a seminar about personal branding and the importance of being "in sync" at your job. More information about this seminar in days to come.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Why are not e.g the Swedes using a big J in Jag and the Americans a small i in I. The result could be Swedes with higher self-confidence and more humble Americans...

Anna-Karin Lingham sa...

Good idea! :-)