One of our strong senses is the olfactory sense. It has a strong connection to our memory. When we smell cinnamon we might think of Christmas. A certain perfume might bring your thoughts to a certain person. Many people associate the smell of tar with boats. Lavender may bring back memories of newly-washed bedlinen. You can probably think of many more examples like this.
If we manage to connect a fragrance to our brand, we will influence people both consciously and subconsciously. The trick is to find a fragrance that most people find pleasant and that has a natural connection to your product or service. Make it subtile, but still strong enough so that people will notice it and appreciate it.
If you run a store, there are companies who offer special fragrance-systems and a quantity of different scents. If you work with products, you need to build the fragrance into the product - or the package. If you build your personal brand you might like to be associated with a certain perfume. If you meet clients in your office - play with fragrances like fresh flowers, newly-baked cookies or fresh tidiness.
If you don´t want to add fragrances to your brand - at least you need to make sure that the genuine fragrance is positive and attractive. Otherwise you might need to adjust it. Remember that the olfactory sense is strong and that it has an important effect on our memory and mood. It can put your clients in a buying-mood or a non-buying-mood.