Your personal brand already exists. Maybe you didn't consciously create it, but people already have ideas about who you are, which is exactly what personal branding is all about.Marieke Hensel

There is no way out. You already have a personal brand. You might not even be in charge of it. Would you like to be in charge of it? Then
set your goals and aim for them. Take good care of
your talents and use them. Be consequent in
your basic values, but make sure that you add some
extraordinary stuff now and then. In that way, you will stand out in a crowd.
You need to
be genuine. People will notice if you try to be someone else than who you really are. You will confuse them and your personal brand will loose strength. The important thing is not what others think about you, but when they catch you the way you want them to, they will help you on your way.
When you know who you are and what you want -
go for it all the way, in everything you do. You will have fun and - on some extra sunny days - you will reach your goals.
Learn more about personal branding here: