There is 21 % volumeshare of oxygen in the atmosphere. At high altitude the airpressure is low, which affects our ability to absorb oxygen. When we acklimatize slowly to the altitude, the body has time to produce new red bloodcells which help us to absorb oxygen better. However, the low airpressure causes the fluidbalance to change, so that the blood contains less fluid and the bodytissue contains more. For example, it is easy to get a headache when the extra fluid in the braincells causes pressure.
At high altitude, the air is very dry. The lungs detach more water which increases the risks of being dehydrated. For this reason, it is important to drink lots of water. 3-4 liters per day is a minimum to stay hydrated.
There are different levels of altitude sickness. Many people on 3 000 m and above experience moderate altitude sickness, which may cause headache, dizziness, lack of apetite, nausea etc. Severe altitude sickness can lead to death. HAPE and HACE (lung- and brain edema) must be treated immediately. The best way to treat altitude sickness is to move to a lower altitude as quick as possible. Getting extra oxygen or spending some time in a Gamow-bag ( a portable pressurechamber) are more quick ways of solving the problem.
To avoid altitude sickness, it is suggested to sleep no more than 300 meters higher than the night before when you are above 3 000 m. You should also acklimatize one day extra at the same altitude every 2-3 days.
We all had some symptoms of moderate altitude sickness on our adventure. Surprisingly and thankfully, I had some feelings of sickness at 3 000 m but not as we continued higher. Well - I was tired, had problem sleeping, moved very slow and needed to breathe often. However I did not feel sick. It was a victory over the altitude!
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