måndag 21 september 2009

Social media - I am pro

Some companies welcome the growth of social media. They use it in branding, marketing and when it comes to building opinion. One of them is Otto Drakenberg, CEO of Carlsberg Sverige. He is blogging twice a week, mainly in order to build understanding and commitment among the employees. He can tell that the blog has had a positive effect on the company and its´growth.

Other companies are opposed to the use of social medias. They see it as a phenomenon which takes valuable time from the employees.

I believe that social medias are a perfect window to the world, as long as you choose the channels which suit your purpose. If the marketing mix has no social media in it - rethink! Your company will loose part of the target group and its´image will soon be a bit oldfashioned.

I am pro social media. However, I believe that one must use them with a specific goal and a great deal of respect when it comes to expressions and choice of channels. Build an image which is synchronized with your goals and your values. Use a language and pictures that you can stand for. If you handle social media right, it is a great resource.

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