I have a favorite among American brands when it comes to leisureclothes. Abercrombie & Fitch. Actually I don´t think that I belong to their targetgroup - I am a few years too old. However, I always find great things when I visit their stores. It is
admirable that such a complicated name can build such a successful brand. It stands out.
The name is often used as an important part of their design.Now I read that Abercrombie & Fitch are looking for storelocations in Sweden. One reason is that Swedes are considered to be sensitive to trends.
Abercrombie & Fitch
2 kommentarer:
That sounds great, I am also a huge fan of thier clothes and apparel and always enjoys visiting their stores.
I think they have succeeded in a great way to incorporate all our senses in the marketing in the stores.
I look forward visiting them in a swedish city soon.
Yes, incorporating all senses is great. It is a good way of convincing many different kinds of customers.
I need to find some more brands who do that. Hästens maybe? :-)
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