måndag 17 november 2008

Intuition as a tool to trust

The consultant-agency Krauthammer made a survey among 445 europeans. The result showed that 64 % of employees trust their intuition often or very often in their jobs. Good.

Our intuition must be a result of the knowledge we have gained over time in different areas, combined with our values and views. Compared to simple facts the intuition gives a wider perspective, since it means that the facts also have been evaluated by ourselves.

The challenge is to prove that our intuition is worth trusting. There isn´t always concrete proof to show before making the decision. When managers and leaders are bold enough to trust the intuition of themselves and others, I believe that improvement and development will show faster. Lack of proof in all aspects will then not stop the pace of activities.

Let´s have the guts to combine plain facts with intuition in our judgements and decisions. It usually works for me - especially when the people around me are non-traditional in their own decisionmaking.

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